This is a guest post from GG, with minimal edits from Daddy Geek.
My class had our Wax Museum on Wednesday! The Wax Museum is when we write a report about a famous American and dress up as that person. It's harder than it sounds. First, you get a research book from the library. Next, you take notes on note cards. Then you write your rough draft. After that you revise it. Finally, you either neatly hand write or type your final draft. I was Amelia Earhart (AE). These are some pictures of my AE costume:

That was my frozen position.

This is me giving my speech. By the way, the hat is a dog's, the scarf is a dog's, and the goggles are doggles. My class also made posters. You can see mine in the first picture. Two 2nd grade classes and part of one 4th grade class came to the Wax Museum. Our parents also came, along with some teachers. I was nervous, and I got even more nervous when the principal came to my desk. I asked Mommy to bring me water, and she did. I got thirsty a lot. My water bottle fell and leaked, so I limited myself to one drink every five people. A lot of people were pulled away in the middle of my speech, but I did finish sometimes. After our wax museum, my class went to the classroom next door to see their wax museum. I spent most of the time looking for another AE. I had enough time to listen to Nellie Bly and get in line for Milton Hershey. (The only reason I did that was a, the guy had Hershey chocolate bars, and b, no other place was open. More likely a.) Then we had to go back to our classroom. That was the Wax Museum.
[A note from Daddy Geek: the Doggles, scarf, and hat were originally the costume for my friend Steve's dog; Steve kindly loaned the costume pieces for the cause. GG was dismayed at first to discover they fit pretty well -- "My head is the same size as a dog's?!" -- until I pointed out it is a pretty big dog. Thanks for the loan, Steve!]
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