Saturday, July 19, 2014

Squid Hats

A couple of weeks ago was Cephalopod Week. Cephalopods are squids, nautiluses, octopodes, and cuttlefish. Daddy found some Vampyroteuthis infernalis (vampire squid) hat templates. I colored them, cut them out, and taped them together. Here we are wearing them:

Geeks in squid hats
Earlier Mommy had put them on some of the bears upstairs. I gathered them together, put the hats back on, and took a picture. I couldn't get the squid heads to stand up straight.
Beebo Bear, Ping Pong, and Grizzy Bear in squid hats

Last, I took a picture of a cephalopod wearing a cephalopod hat. This is Cuttles the cuttlefish:

Cephalopod in a cephalopod hat
Conclusion: Squid hats fit geeks in all shapes and sizes.
If you would like to make your own squid hat, here is the link: Squid hat PDF

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Fairy, Patriotic Toes, Concert, and Taking Flight

Some photos from our summer so far:

Geek Girl started off the summer in drama camp.  Here she is costumed as April the Magic Fairy:

Daddy Geek and Geek Girl painted each other's toenails in honor of our nation's birthday:

Geek Girl's clarinet teacher is a member of the Air Force Concert Band and he suggested we attend one of the summer concerts.  We went last Friday night and enjoyed the lovely evening and beautiful music. It was held at the Air Force Memorial:

D.C. is known for its hot and sticky summers.  Daddy Geek and Geek Girl decided to escape the heat Sunday and go jumping at a warehouse full of trampolines: