Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas and Chaos

The desktop computer's hard drive died about a week and a half ago. The same day the cold water tap wouldn't run in the morning and the day before our first significant snow of the season. And Daddy Geek was in California for the week. But, we don't think the pipes burst (cross fingers) and Daddy Geek's Christmas project is to install a new hard drive.

But Santa came by on a fire truck! Here's the decorated and music-blaring fire truck going one way down the street -- see Santa in the upper left corner.

And coming back down after turning around in the court. Fireman walked alongside handing out candy canes and fire safety reminders.

This is what happens when Geek Girl (with a little help from her friends) has free rein of the empty basement bedroom. Just a little bit of chaos.

And here she is on Christmas morning, playing with her new HexBug nanos and Zoobles.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


25.5 deg F with a wind chill of 17 deg F. I think it's okay to drive Geek Girl to school instead of walking. Dear Canada, you can have your cold winds back.