And here is the view of the neighboring area from our balcony.

Saturday night we had our first raclette of the season and unfortunately the snow kept away some of our guests, but we still had fun. Hmmmmmm... raclette.
On Sunday morning there was blue sky, so we headed to the C&O canal to go for a snow walk.

Geek Girl had fun making fox prints with her new snow boots. Thanks Nai Nai!

And Daddy Geek and Geek Girl made me a snowheart.

We also ran into a bunch of feeding ducks. One of them was not like the others. This guy had a blue beak. Daddy Geek tells me it's a pintail duck.

And the male mallards had the brightest green we've ever seen on ducks.

However, it was starting to get colder and some of us were getting hungry, so it was time to turn around and head back to the car.

Note: edited to fix type and add pintail duck
I think Daddy Geek is making it up. That duck's bill is blue because he is C-C-C-COLD!