Here's Geek Girl meeting Sparky.

And trying out the cool motorcycle.

We also watched some demonstrations and Geek Girl got to aim the fire hose at the target. Later in the afternoon Geek Girl was getting stir crazy so we headed into D.C. for a couple of hours at the Hirshhorn museum.
The next day was beautiful and it was a great day for an adventure to Larriland Farms in Maryland with Long Lost Cousin and her family. Hay bale maze, boo barn (that was more funny than scary), and hay ride followed by apple picking.
Here's Geek Girl in the maze.

Columbus Day we relaxed. Last week was mostly rainy and wet. Then it rained all this past Saturday. By Sunday we were ready to get out, but we didn't want to deal with too much mud. So we went to Potomac Overlook Park for a nice stroll in the woods. The viewpoint no longer has a view (too many trees), but it was still a nice walk and we saw several deer.

After our walk we went to A & J restaurant in Annandale for dumplings and other yummy things to eat. Daddy Geek and I were quite sleepy all afternoon, but Geek Girl was still full of energy, so after dinner we took her out for another walk.
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