Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A little too much time on the computer?

Yesterday Geek Girl was drawing pictures and I was helping her spell words when she asked.

This is what she created.
The bird is saying Do not wory. "Visit me." Bat Duck is a super hero duck

Visit Bat Duck at www.animalsuperheros.com an' meet more animal super heros

Note: wory is her misspelling. I might have spelled heros/heroes wrong for her or she decided to turn it plural on her own. I'm not sure why she decided leave out the "d" in the word "and", but she put an apostrophe there to let us know.

I just checked and www.animalsuperheros.com does not exist. Yet. Whew.

(She's been playing a lot of Batgirl and Robin with her friend downstairs.)

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