Eight months old and a happy elephant. (Thanks Jen!)

One year later and the head still fits!

Okay, 2005, let's be a Chinese princess.

2006 was a rough year. Geek Girl was an American Girl in Florence, Italy.
In 2007, Geek Girl wanted to be a friendly ghost.

In 2008, we were in Zürich, and she was Sleeping Beauty.

Last year she was a pirate fairy.

And this year she decided to be a dragon. Thank goodness for the internet. I found a cool pattern here. The whole family was involved in creating this costume. I cut out the pieces from foam board and cardboard and glued the easy bits. Daddy Geek and I worked together to glue the head (thank goodness for hot glue guns). Geek Girl did most of the painting with a little bit of help from me. I think it turned out pretty well, what do you think?

Geek Girl has been anxiously waiting for trick-or-treating all day. We had an afternoon ice skating birthday party to distract her and an early dinner. By 6 pm she was very happy when her good friend next door finished dinner and came over to start trick or treating.
Fabulous costume this year! Of course, I love seeing all the past years too and happy to have been with her when she was "an American girl in Italy"! Don't eat all the candy Daddy geek!
Nai Nai
Best Dragon Costume EVAR!